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dimanche 5 décembre 2010

"Online travelers don’t value brand loyalty"

This article is very interesting and show how internet kills customers loyalty. With all the information offered to them, consumers can compare, check and double check the prices and the best value for money proposals among different websites. They do not look for a brand but for the best offers. The consequence for the travel providers is that they have to pay particular care of their websites as it is the window of their business. They have to sell their websites before their products, seduce the customers through their main pages a a shop would seduce clients thanks to its window. Information must be easy to find, clear and rich…

I would add that key element: agreeable to read, aesthetically catching, as the first impression we have of a website will make us continue our reading or close the window and try the competitors. In general, elements like music, videos and pictures will attract us more than a static websites, with no life but convenient.

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