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dimanche 27 février 2011

Article for Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

The article "American Airlines’ AAdvantage Facebook Fans grow 84 fold in 54 hours. The most successful campaign ever by an airline?" shows how the airline company managed to dramatically increase its number of followers on Facebook thanks to a clever marketing campaign or rather loyalty program.

Indeed, figures speaks quite clearly: the loyalty group at American Airlines, AAdvantage, set up the Facebook fanpage on Feb 1 and in the first couple of weeks, they won 2000+ fans, organically. Then they launched the Mystery Miles campaign to drive membership, and the numbers exploded. In 24 hours, not only they went from 2,558 fans to 163,000 (and had reached a staggering 210,000 fans just 54 hours after the campaign was launched) but the interactions and engagements on the fanpage also increased dramatically  from just 41 likes for one of the initial posts, to over 1,200 likes for one just sent out.

The AAdvantage campaign consisted in a very simple proposition: “Like” a Facebook fanpage to get a random reward, that is to get between 100 to 100,000 miles just for liking their Facebook fanpage, in their Mystery Miles contest.

It is the first time a campaign launched by an airline company is so successful in such a short time. Before that, other airline companies also found efficient ways to drive brand engagement. You will find below the Top 10 Facebook contest by Airlines:

As you can see, it exists many ways to encourage the fans' interaction and social networks like Facebook are becoming the ideal places to launch your loyalty programs. Still, the article reminds us that a few questions remain to be answered to manage very large community. For instance, companies should wonder how to distinguish between the one-time “likers” and the “real-fans; how to set the right expectations for future campaigns, given the first campaign was so generous; how to start driving business from these fans ( how many offers is too many?) or how to scale up the team internally and use the right tools to manage this.

I personally think the combination social media + loyalty program is very clever. It is a good way to reach a large number of people who are supposed to be your "fans" as they follow you and to get many feedbacks in a short time and at a low cost.

1 commentaire:

  1. I totally agree with you. The combination social media + loyalty program is very clever and it is a very good strategy.
    Today, it is essential to be present on social networks, like Facebook...with these social networks we can attract a larger number of people, fans, followers. Social media is a new way of communication , and permit to us to collect more feedbacks and reviews in a short time, and at a low cost, as you said.
    Finally, I think that American Airlines is a very good example of a successful combination social media + loyalty program (or marketing campaign). American Airlines made this campaign on Facebook and on Twitter (post on February 22nd), two of the most important social networks, which have each a huge community. The success of American Airlines' campaign will be to convince and encourage other companies to adopt this same strategy.
